Thursday, 13 October 2011

Exploratory Essay: Describe your favorite restaurants, bar or coffee shop

Exploratory Essay (3 full pages) Topic: Describe your favorite restaurant, bar, coffee shop, etc. A. Discussion of rhetorical situations associated with exploratory writing applied to the sciences; B. Discussion of specific concepts and accompanying vocabulary which are characteristic of problem solving and scientific discovery i.e. heuristic devices, both formal and informal; C. Discussion of impact of various exploratory rhetorical situations on writing strategies(such as forming tentative definitions, engaging in dialogues, proposing solutions); D. Instruction in research methods and documentation as they apply to exploratory research; E. Application of rhetorical theory and library research skills to a variety of papers and readings. 5 senses -> Sight, sound, touch, smell, taste - Discuss a meal at place - Capture the atmosphere - Describe the people - Describe setting - Use inner dialogue -> Your thoughts on what you feel experience To writer: Hi.My favorite place is cheese cake factory restaurant. Would you write about it? or you can write any restaurants, bars, coffee shops you like.

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