- To promote an understanding of the cultural aspect of buildings in history and evidence an understanding of building terminologies and materials.
- To introduce design discourse and a variety of contexts relevant to interior design through historical studies.
- To demonstrate an awareness of changing practices within trends and new technology at the forefront of the profession.
- To initiate focused analysis, evaluation and research with regard to the study of interior design and its social, cultural and economic impact.
- To develop research skills and methodologies in written communication. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this module students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to:
- Demonstrate an ability to research, evaluate and present written documentation at a high level, according to academic convention. ( e.g. references, illustrations, bibliography, appendices ).
- Demonstrate a detailed analysis of a range of historical and /or contemporary source material.
- Address and challenge possible relationships between design theory and design practice.
- Demonstrate analysis, self evaluation and research into new materials, concepts and practices.
- Generate a body of knowledge and a critical vocabulary drawn from historical and contemporary design practices. Assessment Criteria: The pass level for all assessment tasks is 40%. Assessment of the essay and the reference book will consider the level of achievement in relation to fulfilment of the learning outcomes with particular attention to the following:
- Quality of research
- Factual accuracy
- Use of appropriate images and source material
- Ability to communicate facts and ideas in writing (structure, expression, spelling & grammar)
- Observations and application of academic standard conventions, Harvard Referencing System (standard forms of reference and bibliography)
- Format, design, and presentation (design, layout, word processing)
- Development of objective, ideas and conclusions (comprehension and insight)
- Ability to use research to inform and present a piece of critical and reflective writing * Essays to make reference to suggested text, essential reading, and web-sources.