Sunday, 25 September 2011

Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Policy

Prepare a 2,100word paper in which you research the relevant statistics, facts, resources, and public opinions to develop your own local, statewide, or federal policy related to your selected topic. Your policy paper should include statistical, factual, and public opinion history information, which supports your policy claim. Be sure to identify all stakeholders (e.g., politicians, judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, correctional officers and administrators, law enforcement officers and administrators, victims, law-abiding citizens, etc.) and their opinions as it relates to your proposed policy and how politics may influence its implementation. Additionally, provide policy recommendations and the rationale for these recommendations and their impact on contemporary criminal justices issues and globalization. You can take ideas from other established policies and create the type of policy you would really want to see. You do not need to re-discover the wheel just re-design it to suit your beliefs. If you are a "get-tough" person then your policy can be as tough as you want to make it. · Properly cite your references/resources. · NOTE:the National Criminal Justice Reference Service has many articles reflecting contemporary criminal justice policies. you will be developing your own policy on one of the topic areas above. You will need to do research into the topic to gather background information. Basic Layout of paper Policy Area - General objectives Background Information Statistics Supporting data Stakeholders Identify who the major stakeholders are. What are their opinions on the issue? State your policy recommendations Minimum of four recommendations List your rationale for each recommendation Politics How might politics hinder or help the implementation of your policy? Impact What would the impact of your policy be on the Criminal Justice System.? How does globalization come into play with your policy ?

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