Monday, 26 September 2011

Group Dynamics and Developing and Leading Effective

This is an opportunity for you to apply class concepts to real-world experiences based on current event happenings. Select a recent event or article. Select a recent event or article. This information can be gathered from magazines, journals, newspapers, or World Wide Web media. When completing this assignment, you will want to include the following: 1. Brief reaction to the article/work (article should relate to Group Dynamics and Developing and Leading Effective Teams) 2. Explain why you feel this article pertains to Group Dynamics and Developing and Leading Effective Teams. Summary of the article/work: Summarize the importance of the topic vs. Group Dynamics and Developing and Leading Effective Teams 1.Summary: a brief description of the premise of the article. 2.Background: What was the basis for the article? What caused the author to write the article? 3.Findings: What were the results/findings the article made? 4.Reaction to the article, what did you think? The current event assignment must be typed, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins and 12-point type following APA format. Papers should be 2 pages in length.

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