Monday, 26 September 2011
Tourism in Turkey essay
SUBMISSION 2 Submission date Monday, 30 May, 2011, by 11.45p.m. TURKEY Submission 2 is the write-up of your research about the destination you have chosen. The write-up of your project should be 2500 words plus or minus 10%. It must include substantial reference to the article you read for Submission 1.( i will upload the artice to you, it is call "turkey, camel whristling") It must also include references to other journal articles to which you will be referred in Information Sheet 14. You must spend some time doing your own research for the destination you have chosen. Information Sheets about doing Assignment 2 Submission 2 provide further advice about what is expected. You will find the numbers of these Information Sheets in the details of the assignment set out below. The Bali example in the Study Guide provides you with an example of the way in which the assignment should be set out. Information Sheet 31 provides you with a checklist for Assignment 2 Submission 2 and an explanation of the Rubric used for assessing your assignment. In presenting your assignment you are required to provide a response to the following questions or tasks: 1. Provide a map of the destination you have chosen. The map should be placed at the beginning of your assignment. (See Information Sheet 15) 2. For the destination you have chosen, discuss one or two major features of the natural environment that would be interesting to tourists? (See Information Sheet 15) 3. Describe the kind of society the tourists would find at the destination you have chosen. (See Information Sheet 16) 4. Describe major heritage resources of the destination you have chosen and show how they help the tourists to understand the history of the destination. (See Information Sheet 17) 5. Under what circumstances did the destination you have chosen become a tourist destination? (See Information Sheet 18) 6. What are the factors that would influence tourists to visit the destination you have chosen? You must refer to the following kinds of factors: a. motivation b. push factors c. pull factors 14 (See Information Sheets 19, 20 and 21) 7. Describe the kinds of activities in which tourists engage at the destination you have chosen. (See Information Sheet 22) 8. How has tourism affected the lives of the people who live at the destination you have chosen? (See Information Sheets 23, 24, 25 and 26) 9. What kinds of accommodation are available for tourists who choose the destination about which you are writing? (See Information Sheet 27) 10. Explain the kinds of transport tourists would use in order to visit the destination you have chosen. This includes the transport they use to come to the destination and also the transport they use while they are at the destination. (See Information Sheet 28) 11. What kinds of gastronomic experiences are available for tourists who choose the destination about which you are writing? (See Information Sheet 29) 12. Prepare the components for a brochure you would design to promote the destination you have chosen. Introduce this section with a statement about the purpose of promotion (See Information Sheet 30) Suggested reading for Assignment 2 Submission 2 Information about your destination To find information about your destination you should access the following kinds of resources: Books about the place you have chosen. These may include books that are not specifically about tourism and travel. Travel guides. Travel guides are useful but they should not be your only source of information. Encyclopaedias. (These can be quite useful, particularly the Encyclopaedia Britannica.) Many students use Wikipedia. You should be aware, however, that people who provide information for Wikipedia are not necessarily experts in the subject about which they are writing. The Internet. Do not rely solely on the websites of the destination you have chosen. Websites do provide useful information about the kind of accommodation available. They also show you how a destination is promoted. You can also use a search engine to find information about particular aspects of your topic, for example, a particular group of people who form part of the society of your destination. Tourism and hospitality journals. You may also find relevant articles in journals about geography, history, sociology, urban studies and anthropology. Journals are the most important resource for this assignment. Popular magazines such as National Geographic Travel brochures and travel agents. Travel brochures are useful for showing you how a destination and its attractions are promoted. You should not, however, make brochures your main source of information. 15 Statistical information from government departments and national tourism organisations Travel advertisements are useful for showing you how a destination and its attractions are promoted. Travel shows on television Films and videotapes about your chosen destination Novels and short stories about your chosen destination Newspaper articles. (The weekend press in Australia contains articles about travel and tourism.) Tourism theory Your Study Guide contains general information on the following topics that form part of your project. Please note that it is general information. It does not relate specifically to the destination you have chosen. You must do your research to find out whether and how this general information applies to your topic. Applying general theory to specific examples is an important aspect of learning. Topic 4 (Mass Consumption Societies) for information about demand and push factors Topic 5 (Destinations) and Topic 6 (Attractions) for information about kinds of tourism Topic 7 (Economic Impacts) for information about the economic impacts of tourism on people who live at a destination Topic 8 (Psycho-social perspectives) for information about „pull‟ factors, motivation and promotion Topic 9 (Tourism, Cultural Preservation and Commodification) for information about the impacts of tourism on culture and society at a destination Topic 10 (Tourism and Social Change) for information about the impacts of tourism on society at a destination Topic 12 (Tourism industry) for information about transport, accommodation and food and beverage The following chapters in your textbook also contain general relevant information. You should consult the following chapters for this information. Chapter 4 Destinations Chapter 5 Attractions Chapter 6 Tourist markets Chapter 7 Tourism marketing 16 Chapter 8 Economic impacts of tourism Chapter 9 Sociocultural and environmental impacts of tourism Chapter 10 Destination development Chapter 11 Sustainable tourism i wil upload the study guide, summition one article and the information sheet 14-32 to you!