Sunday 25 September 2011

Jim crow law in education

Catherine M. Lewis.”Introduction.” Jim Crow America. Fayetteville; 2009.xxvi.Print
This book focuses on “Montgomery bus boycotts.” which captured the nation’s attention Rosa Parks who was a community organizer refused to move her seat to a white man on a public bus. Police regarded that she violated the segregation laws and they arrested her. However, Martin Luther King brought the boycott onto the world stage of the NAACP pointed out Jim Crow to the media attention
Cozzens, Lisa. “Brown v. Board of education.” African American history (25 May 1998): Watson. Web. 11 July 2011.

This article focuses on segregation of public schools that schools refuse blacks to enroll. Brown went to ask for help to NAACP, and other black parents joined Brown. NAACP argued that the segregated schools would face to black children during their adulthood. Also, it will be a motivation of children to learn about segregation. The Brown and Board education was big step complete desegregation of public schools. This historical evidence lends credence to the Jim Crow laws.

Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore. “Women and ballots.” Gender & Jim Crow. North Carolina. 1996.212. Print Women and the politics of white supremacy in North Carolina.
This book focuses on W.E.B.Du Bois who established the national Association for the advancement of colored

Marshall, Harvey, and Robert Jiobu. “Residential Segregation in the United States Cities: A Causal Analysis.” Social Forces 53.3(1975): 449-460. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 9 July 2011
The article talks about how there was segregation between the blacks and whites. There were data taken to see how much there was a difference between the blacks and whites. The article informs us that the data taken was very low compared to what was assumed. It shows that the Jim Crow law caused more trouble and discrimination between the blacks and the whites. Also, it was certain that the law was morally wrong.
.Mohr, Clarence L. “Minds of the New South: Higher Education in Black and white, 1880-1915.” Southern Quarterly 46.4(2009): 8-34. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO.Web. 10 July 2011
The article focuses on Southern States of the education between African Americans and whites. It showed the environment of black’s education during reconstruction. Although, blacks were controlled by their education by the Jim Crows law, they tried to overcome their reputation as poorly educated blacks. For example, Martin Luther King educated himself and became an important person who informed the rights of Blacks. It shows that the idea is a subject under segregation.

Pilgrim, David. "What Was Jim Crow?" Ferris State University: Michigan College Campuses in Big Rapids MI, Grand Rapids MI, Off Campus Locations Across Michigan. Ferris State University, Sept. 2000. Web. 18 July 2011.
This web site discusses how Jim Crow law in the 1880s was and gave a brief summary how Jim Crow system was acted up on. It showed that the law divides people in the public restroom, restaurant, theater, and parks. Separate schools, hospitals, and other public institutions existed just for the blacks. Jim Crows system did not give equal education for the blacks. This web site addressed the Supreme Court’s decision in the Brown v Board of Education. Blacks responded strongly against Jim Crows law by mass sit=ins and boycotts to hasten desegregation. This web site not only set the scene for such beliefs in Jim Crows law, but it are also gave a summary of the overall idea.

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