Sunday 25 September 2011

What effects did the coming of Islam have on African religion, society, political structures, trade, and culture?

Directions: Compose coherent and comprehensive essays on two of the following four essay questions. Each essay answer on the actual exam should be about 800 words each (roughly three typed, double-spaced pages for each essay). Remember to answer all the parts of each question. In open book exams you must do more than prove that you can summarize information. You must prove that you understand it, can synthesize and analyze it, and that you can reach your own conclusions. Focus on key themes and ideas and support your ideas with specific historical examples. 1. What effects did the coming of Islam have on African religion, society, political structures, trade, and culture? What role did lineage groups, women, and slavery play in African society? 2. What were some of the chief destinations along the Silk Road, and what kinds of products and ideas traveled along the route? 3. What major changes in political structures, and social and economic life occurred during the Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties? 4. In what ways did the Byzantine, European, and Islamic civilizations resemble and differ from one another? Were their relationships overall based on cooperation or conflict? This is an order for 2 essays, 3 pages each. Choose 2 from 4 topics above.Please follow the directions to write for 2 essays.I would like to get my order on Monday 7/25/2011.Thank you Textbook that required for the assignment: William J. Duiker and Jackson Spielvogel, The Essential World History, Volume I: To 1800 (Sixth Edition)

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